Graves’ Disease
Graves’ Disease is an autoimmune condition affecting the thyroid gland, where it produces too much thyroid hormone (known as hyperthyroidism). Around 75% of people with an overactive thyroid have Graves’ Disease. Graves’ is caused by your immune system attacking the healthy tissue in your thyroid gland. The thyroid hormones work to regulate body temperate, metabolism and heart rate. Overproduction of this hormone causes a variety of issues with the heart, bones and muscles.
Symptoms include:
Heat sensitivity
Sweating, moist skin
Weight loss
Enlargement of the thyroid gland
Change in menstrual cycles
Erectile dysfunction or reduced libido
Frequent bowel movements
Bulging or puffy eyes
Blurred vision
Thick, red skin usually on the shins or tops of the feet
Rapid or irregular heartbeat (palpitations)
Sleep disturbance
Although Graves' disease may affect anyone, it's more common among women and in people younger than age 40. It is currently unknown why Graves’ Disease materialises.
A physical examination will be performed, alongside a variety of tests, including:
Thyroid blood tests
Thyroid antibody blood tests
Thyroid uptake and scan
Doppler blood flow measurement
How it is treated conventionally?
Unfortunately, Graves’ Disease is a chronic condition, therefore there is no complete cure. Medical care may make the disease temporarily go away (known as remission).
The following treatments can be utilised to keep your thyroid hormone levels in check:
Antithyroid medications
Radioiodine therapy
How does Surrey Centre for Nutrition work with Graves’ Disease?
Unlike conventional medicine, we are looking to understand the underlying causative factors to return a client to health and reverse symptoms. Identifying the true root cause of the disease, and what led the body to attack its own thyroid gland will involve investigations into gut health, food and nutrition and food reactivity, pathogen and environmental toxin reactivity, chronic infections, elevated toxic load and stress and lifestyle contributory factors. Functional testing is often required to get to the root cause of what caused the onset of Graves for each individual.
We will then use targeted approaches such as gastrointestinal healing and rebalancing, detoxification, and elimination of inflammatory foods to name just a few, and techniques to help mediate the stress response.
Are you ready to work with us to reach your health goals?
If you or someone you know is suffering from the symptoms or conditions listed above, Surrey Centre for Nutrition may be able to help. We typically work with clients for 3-6 months depending on your health concerns. Are you interested in working with us?
Book a discovery call to see how the Surrey Centre for Nutrition can help
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