
Infertility is when a couple cannot get pregnant (conceive) despite having regular unprotected sex. Around 1 in 7 couples may have difficulty conceiving. About 84% of couples will conceive naturally within a year if they have regular unprotected sex (every 2 or 3 days).


Common causes:

There are multiple causes of infertility and fertility problems.

  • Lack of regular ovulation 

  • Poor quality semen 

  • Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes

  • Endometriosis 

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Thyroid problems 

  • Premature ovarian failure


Other causes include:

  • Age - fertility declines with age

  • Weight - being overweight reduces fertility in women 

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

  • Smoking 

  • Alcohol

  • Environmental factors - exposure to certain pesticides, solvents and metals can affect fertility. 

  • Stress



 Tests to find out the cause of infertility in women include: 

  • Blood tests 

  • Chlamydia test

  • Ultrasound scan 

  • X-ray

  • Laparoscopy


How it is treated conventionally?


The treatment for infertility will be dependant on the reasons or causative factors identified for the infertility. There are however three typical conventional treatment paths;

  • Firstly you may be offered medications to stimulate ovulation, and they type of medicine will be dependant on your pattern of ovulation

  • You may also be offered surgery if for example the fallopian tubes are blocked, or to address endometriosis, fibroids or PCOS. Men too may be offered surgery if for example there is a blockage in the epididymis.

  • Finally you may be recommended to undergo assisted conception in the form of intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilisation IVF


How does Surrey Centre for Nutrition work with Infertility?

Perhaps you want to know what the best foods are to maximise your chances of IVF success. Or you might unsure whether eliminating certain foods will increase your pregnancy chances. It could be that you need expert nutrition guidance on a specific health condition that might be affecting your fertility, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, thyroid health, endometriosis, male factor, miscarriage.

Or you may have been diagnosed with ‘unexplained infertility’ and want to understand the root cause. 

Whatever the issue, if it relates to fertility (and increasing your chances of a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy) we can help you.


Around one in seven couples experience infertility, one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, and men are showing increasing numbers of sperm abnormalities. If you’re struggling to conceive, getting to the root cause of your fertility issue is essential to help improve your success rate. Afterall, the  goal is not just about getting pregnant; it’s about having a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

The preconception period is the most impactful time when it comes to changing DNA. It takes around three months to mature an egg and prepare a healthy batch of sperm, so allowing this amount of time to support your fertility is key, plus there is plenty of evidence that proper preparation, results in better outcomes; impacting egg and sperm quality, healthy ovulation, a  healthy pregnancy, and even the health of your future child.

Not only will we help you improve your nutrition and lifestyle to support your fertility, but we will also review your lab results, and refer you for further functional tests if necessary. We also liaise with your GP and other health professionals involved in your care, help you to get to the root cause of your fertility issues, and provide you with tailored diet and supplement protocols.

The areas we support you with include nourishing your body to support egg and sperm health, supporting you with lifestyle factors, detoxification, personalised supplements, gut and digestive health, vaginal health, male fertility.


Are you ready to work with us to reach your health goals?


If you or someone you know is suffering from the symptoms or conditions listed above, Surrey Centre for Nutrition may be able to help. We typically work with clients for 3-6 months depending on your health concerns. Are you interested in working with us?

Book a discovery call to see how the Surrey Centre for Nutrition can help 

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Lyme Disease


CFS/ME Thyroid