Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or MCAS is a complex immune mediated disorder which results in allergy type symptoms in relation to foods, chemicals, pollens, light and heat. In the most severe of cases a client may only be consuming a handful of different foods, and thus have a very restricted diet. The Mast Cells which are important immune cells have become overactive to things which under normal circumstances your body wouldn’t react to.


How does Surrey Centre for Nutrition work with MCAS?

It is our job at the Surrey Centre for Nutrition to identify the root causes of our MCAS and build protocols that address these. 

We will look at food triggers such as histamine, lectins and oxalates, nutritional deficiencies, exposures to toxic chemicals, heavy metals and mold. We will also identify if infections such as EBV (Epstein Barr Virus), Lyme disease or parasitic infection are present, and look at trauma, stress and nervous and limbic system imbalance as inputs to your system and contributory to your MCAS.

Whilst identifying any of these triggers or causative factors we will work on applying protocols that calm the mast cells directly such as supportive supplements.

Not only will we be looking at supporting your health directly, but also indirectly by advising on identifying chemical and pathogenic inputs such as mold from your environment. Where you may be coming into contact with such things and what we can do to clean up your environment.


Are you ready to work with us to reach your health goals?


If you or someone you know is suffering from the symptoms or conditions listed above, Surrey Centre for Nutrition may be able to help. We typically work with clients for 3-6 months depending on your health concerns. Are you interested in working with us?

Book a discovery call to see how the Surrey Centre for Nutrition can help 

Please read our medical disclaimer.


Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

